How to Create Posts Fast as a Stager and Designer
Want to know how to create posts fast as a stager and designer?
In this quick "how-to" video I show you how to create MANY video posts in minutes (not hours).
You are in the service business, so it's critical that you are efficient and not wasting time on social media! If you want a super easy way to create posts fast as a stager and this video:
Easily Create Posts Fast Using Canva for Free Video
My guess is you put A LOT of work into each one of your posts, so why not tweak them to create 5 similar posts and then schedule each one every month? The above video shows you how to do this AND create video posts easily.
Here are the links mentioned in this "Create Posts Fast" video:
Canva is a free, online tool that REALLY helps to make you look great and also be efficient.