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Why Staging Matters in a Sellers Market - HSR Top 12 Reasons to Stage for Agents

Why Staging Matters for Agents, Even in a Seller's Market - Top 12 Reasons Download and Tips for Home Stagers

Are you a home stager struggling with convincing agents to use a stager in this "seller's market"?  Then you will LOVE this post, amazing staging eye-candy and free download below!

A hot topic over the last few years of this "seller's market" has been whether staging matters for agents when homes are selling quickly.  While most agents agree the seller will get a lot more money for their home when staged, the reward to the agent in terms of financial benefit and commissions is nowhere near that for the seller.  

This market causes an agent to wonder why not just put the house on the market in it's current condition/sales price and move on?  Why worry that their home selling client's will be leaving money on the table on the sale of their home if the seller doesn't care?  

Overcoming the Agent Objections to Staging

Objections will always be there and it's important not to be offended but to look at them as an opportunity to educate and have answers as an expert home stager. Ultimately, we need to show them "what's in it for them" and how taking the extra time bring in a professional stager will benefit them... especially in the long run. Sometimes we need to "tell the ugly story" like I do below (keep reading) and other times, we need to list it out for them in a Top 12 (see below), as well as provide them the tools to encourage seller's on those same benefits.

Here is a video from our private Stagers Connect group filled with wonderful ways to combat the common objection and the impetus for this post:

Help Agents Understand the Benefits of Staging

Agents are put in the tough position of having to educate seller's on the benefits of using a stager and frankly...telling seller's to spend on a home they are moving out of can be tough!  It's our job to educate agents on why it's important for them to partner with a stager, as well as give them the tools to educate their clients.

Free Download to Give to Agents - Top 12 Reasons to Partner with a Stager

I've just added three Canva Templates inside my HSR Staging Certification training course that will help my stagers easily tweak and add these new, improved and gorgeous sales sheets to their business.  If you're one of my members, jump into the training and grab them!

Why Staging Matters Free Download - HSR (4)
Why Staging Matters Free Download - HSR (5)

After we added the "Top 12 Reasons to Partner with a Stager" Canva Template into the training, it occurred to me that everyone can benefit so I'm giving the PDF away for free so you can use the tips and verbiage in your business if you're not one of my HSR members.

Sometimes You Have to Tell the Ugly Story...

Imagine you are Agent Sally working with Seller Joe and you decide to not recommend staging even though you know the home in this market would get thousands more.  You sell Seller's Joe's home quickly, so everyone's happy right? Wrong!


Because Seller Joe has a Neighbor Kelly with the exact same house who used a different agent who recommended a stager understanding the benefits to her client. Neighbor Kelly did all the staging recommendations before her agent listed and got thousands more.  

Do you think Seller Joe is happy now?  

Do you think he would rather a fast sale then a lot more money?

Who do you think the other neighbors will be using as their agent?

Why Staging Matters - HSR - Pacific Home Design Santa Cruz (9)

BEFORE - The agent could have put this million dollar home as is...

Why Staging Matters - HSR - Pacific Home Design Santa Cruz (10)

AFTER - Staged by Pacific Home Design in Santa Cruz, CA

The home above received over 200K more because they had an agent who recommended staging.  These are the amazing stories stagers hear    every    single   day.  Why not tell the alternative story?

Why Staging Matters - HSR - Pacific Home Design Santa Cruz (3)


Why Staging Matters - HSR - Pacific Home Design Santa Cruz (4)

AFTER - Staged by my sister's company Pacific Home Design

Top 12 Reasons Agents Should Use a Home Stager

These images are taken straight out of the FREE PDF download above, so if you want the whole guide, scroll up to signup for it.

Why Staging Matters - HSR - Pacific Home Design Santa Cruz (10)
Why Staging Matters - HSR - Top 12 Reasons to Stage
Member Copy of Top 12 Reasons to Use a Stager - Agent
Why Staging Matters - HSR - Top 12 Reasons to Stage

If you're reading this and thinking about becoming a home stager and creating your own story...then watch my free video about how to become a home stager below...

Discover how we compare with other staging trainings...

Not all staging certification training is equal, so we created a handy checklist for you to use when you shop and compare training providers.

Why Staging Matters for Agents, Even in a Seller's Market - Top 12 Reasons Download and Tips for Home StagersAre you a

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