What Kind of People Become Stagers? 12 Inspiring Stories You Will Love…
Want to know what it takes to become stagers? 12 Inspiring stories of people who are jumping in to become a stager..
Read MoreYou've got your business all set up and ready to go except...your phone is not ringing and you don't know where to start when it comes to getting the word out. Never fear my friend since I have a free, training video below that walks you through the secrets to getting your phone to ring and automating your marketing efforts. The video also lists my free staging marketing hot tips to always having your pipeline of prospects coming.
Within the video, there are links to other helpful resources and FREE downloads for you to use to get that phone ringing.
The very first thing I talk about when it comes to marketing inside all of my training courses, is the importance of setting up automated systems, so that traffic is coming to your gorgeous website and you're capturing their email.
Once you give them something they want in exchange for their email, you can continue to stay in touch...emailing them valuable information and affirming your authority in design and staging.
Basically, it's all automated for you so that by two weeks time that person really loves you, wants you in their home, and is willing to pay any price for that design or staging service because they have automatically gotten to know you! So are you ready to set that up? Watch the video above to learn how!
You could try and set it up yourself but you're busy. Or you could buy my staging certification and get it in Day Nine using all the resources, Canva templates, scripts, imagery and forms we give you that otherwise would take you MONTHS to create on your own. Heads up, most trainers charge you extra for this kind of stuff;).
Want to know what it takes to become stagers? 12 Inspiring stories of people who are jumping in to become a stager..
Read MoreStaging Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make Having been in the industry for twenty plus years, I’ve seen a ton of staged spaces both good and unfortunately… bad. Staging is an extreme art form and not all stagers are equal. In this video, learning post I’m going to expose many staging mistakes in a home
Read More7 Hot Tips for Shopping Wholesale at the Market or High PointPLUS a Bonus Staging Trade Vendor Cheat Sheet If you’re going to the Las Vegas Market or High Point to get some much needed staging and design inventory, then you are going to LOVE my FREE “Favorite Design and Staging Trade Vendor Cheat Sheet”
Read MoreGoal Planning for Stagers and Designers Hot Tips Video and Productivity PlannersDo you want to reach those big goals this year?Do you want to be more productive and get more done that is aligned with your goals and dreams?There’s a science to actually reaching those goals and getting things done. I went over the science
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Read MoreWhy Staging Matters for Agents, Even in a Seller’s Market – Top 12 Reasons Download and Tips for Home Stagers Are you a home stager struggling with convincing agents to use a stager in this “seller’s market”? Then you will LOVE this post, amazing staging eye-candy and free download below! A hot topic over the
Read More6 Common Color Mistakes and How to Fix ThemQuick Color Guide and New Addition to the Color TrainingOver the last couple week’s I’ve been talking about various marketing strategies to grow your staging and design business. An automated marketing strategy is to create a “service specific” guide that your prospects would desire and who wouldn’t
Read MoreFree Canva Template of Stagers Social Media PostsEvery single staging job provides an opportunity to create multiple social media posts with reels and here’s how you do it in 5 minutes… Feeling overwhelmed with your social media? Wondering how to post photos of your recent staging jobs that will get people’s attention? In this quick, how-to
Read MoreSave Time and Automate Your Marketing to Fill Your Calendar with the Right Kind of ClientsStep-by-step instructions with example of easy ways to automate your marketingHaving just spoken at the Real Estate Staging Convention I was shocked when I polled the 100+ people in the audience whether they had an automated lead funnel for their
Read MoreAwesome 2024 Staging Statistics I’m so excited to share the latest 2024 staging statistics that the Real Estate Staging Association released this week! In this video post, I’m going to share the 2024 home staging statistics and give you a special Canva Template filled with the 2024 statistical images for you to edit, resize for
Read MoreAmazon Favorites for Staging PLUS My Hot Tips for Being in Your Inventory “Sweet Spot” I received so many great questions when I guest spoke on a RESA New Stager webinar that I thought I would answer some on my blog. The biggest question by far was how to build your staging inventory, so you are
Read MoreHow to Create Perfect Agent Partnerships I got a long list of questions when I recently spoke at a RESA Newbie webinar and I thought it would be good to share some of these questions and my answers in video posts. This seemed to be a recurring question for many new stagers:Audra, do real estate
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