In my "8 Ways to Get Clients Without Cold Calling" work shop I outline the importance of creating a sales funnel for EVERY design service you offer on your website in order to automate your marketing with a constant stream of leads.
Below is a video showing you EXACTLY how to do that and the steps needed to follow (along with some freebies you can use!)
See a GREAT example of a home stager and designer's website!
Steal our ideas by seeing our freebies:)
I just created a video for my TrulyBranded Website clients showing them exactly how they can create a color guide funnel for themselves with our websites. After I posted it, I realized this video would be valuable to make public because the principles and elements are the same.
You don't want your phone to stop ringing do you? Time to automate and below are the steps you need to take...
Here are the quick steps to creating an automated sales funnel:
Create Your Gorgeous Freebie
Use Canva to create a gorgeous freebie (like the Color Guide in Audra's video above), that someone will want to opt-in for on your website. Make sure you have a freebie for every service on your website, ie Staging Checklist, Design Hot Tips, Open House Checklist, etc..
Create a Page on Your Website for People to Opt-in for Your Freebie (Landing Page)
In our TrulyBranded Websites we have 4 landing pages for the 4 different freebies we have built into the sites we create for home stagers and designers. The key to a good landing page is to keep it simple, with NO navigation and your privacy policy/terms in the footer (otherwise Google won't go for it). Here's an example of one you can create using the RESA Guide -
Create a Welcome Email Sequence that Boosts Your Credibility
Once your prospect signs up for the goods, make sure an email goes straight to them with the freebie and let them know you have more good stuff on the way. Don't oversell but be generous with your wisdom and design advice. Using your email program like Convertkit, Mailchimp or iContact set up an email sequence that gives them valuable content, tells a story, FAQ's or other freebies over the course of the first few weeks of sign-up.
When you set up this kind of automation using your freebie, website, landing page and email program you are connecting with prospects without having to do the cold cool is that?!
Better yet...why don't you get a website that has it all built-in for you

Here's the details on our TrulyBranded Custom Websites for Designers and Stagers:
Guess what? When you look great online, people don't ask you how long you've been staging and designing;). We make you look good.
If you're reading this and thinking about becoming a home stager and creating your own story...then watch my free video about how to become a home stager below...
Audra's courses give you a fail proof plan from A to Z. From learning, developing, building, with a dash of confidence to trust in what you learned (or knew what was in you all along), but it wouldn't work without the marketing plans she walks you through. I plan to follow her marketing steps and rules to really bring it home. I'm going through all of her courses at the same time (HSR, Color Expert, and E-Design) and while it is a LOT LOT LOT of information, it is so worth every penny to hear, learn and execute what she teaches. Loving this new chapter in my life to launch my business and know I have learned from the best.